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Holistic Health - Wellness



Hello, I am Dr. Sixto Sicilia (C.N.H.P., C.H.N.P). the founder of @integral body work; Holistic Wellness practice and issimoUSA. I am a Certified Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition practioner and Spiritual Counselor.

At @integral body work spawns from the belief that Education is everything and learning about the Self, and what I call the body, mind, soul Trifecta is a never-ending journey in mental, physical and spiritual health.

At issimoUSA we hold to the ideal that the outer self, our largest organ, the skin, needs to be cared for with as much attention as with our body and souls. As founder I continue to develop authentic Organic and Natural products (for over 20 years now) so the outside body is synch with the inside body for the ultimate self-worth!

I was born in La Habana, Cuba and have resided in Los Angeles since 1967. I bring a wealth of knowledge in all things of the “human condition.” Having left my native country with just my mom and my brother (my dad was then a political prisoner who would meet up with us later), I was taught that strength and character comes in all shapes and sizes. As my mom put it when we left Havana: looking out towards the tarmac at the airport. She smiles and tells us we are departing on an adventure to a place where Freedom Rings. She turns us around to face the airplane door and says, “Welcome to your new life.”

Nothing more, nothing less. We were to make it a great new adventure! I believe in simplicity, community and connectedness. At integral body work and issimoUSA, this is state-of-the-art!

Holistic Health and Nutrition - At @ibw (integral body work) we believe that the window to the soul lies in maintaining a balanced nerve-energy system. In seeking change we learn to surrender our bodies to our minds, our minds to the soul, and our soul to the power of the Universe. We become aware of ourselves, pay attention to the present moment and seek a sense of inner peace and purpose. We become aligned through body, mind, and spirit with a practical pragmatic approach to life. We begin a new journey in natural health and healing. 


Through Psychoneuroimmunology,  proper diet, exercise and lifestyle changes we can help tackle symptoms of unhealthy living. Let me help you integrate methods and help you explore ways in which attitudes or emotions naturally help the process of well-being. We all have unique health and wellness goals, from making healthier nutrition choices to managing stress and anxiety. I will help you understand the importance of balancing Nerve Energy.

 There is truth to the saying "we are creatures of habits." The brain is a perfectionist. It will set itself on a course to ascertain that any "Habits" are attained, whether good or bad. I am here to assist you in implementing sustainable long-term well-being habits. We will address general conditions and transitions in personal life, relationships, profession or specific personal projects, or career aspirations. If you are willing we will obstacles or challenges and choosing a course of action to make your life, well, personable. If under the care of a doctor or dietician I can help in the process of accountability.

 As a Certified Spiritual Advisor I believe in the power of self-worth and self-exploration and becoming aware of the self and its surroundings as it impacts all areas of our lives, whether it be our relationship with food, our environment, relationships, careers, and the spiritual self the one that seeks a deep search for connections to the present moment, to the self, to nature, and to what one feels is significant tor sacred.   

Through helping implement healthy life modalities whether in nutrition, maintaining stress and anxiety, exercise routines, yoga or meditation it is a journey. I see this journey as an alliance between coach and client where the coaching relationship continually gives all the power back to you, the client who is the expert in their own existence. Together we can discover what your own personal "best" might be.  

We make choices every day which may range from the profound to the trivial and each one those choices has an effect that makes our lives more fulfilling or less fulfilling, more balanced or less balanced. Choices that make our process of living more effective or less effective. Coaching helps you learn how to make choices that create an effective, balanced and fulfilling journey. We will look at this journey from different aspects from a Holistic Health perspective. To your health, Naturally!

Yoga and Meditation- I offer private classes and consultation on naturally addressing physical bodily ailments that may be of a concern to you. More information to come. For private instruction please contact me at

Retreats and workshops - More Information to come. For Private workshops, please contact me at